必ずライフジャケットの着用や、法律や条例を守り行うようにしてください。 また、今回ご紹介している釣りのおすすめスポットは、一般的に聞いた時点での話をまとめたものであり、実際は、釣りの規制や禁漁となっている場合や時期がある場合がございます。ご紹介した場所で事件や事故に巻き込まれても、弊社は一切責任を負いかねますので、必ずご自身で事前に十分確認してから行うようにしてください。
Golden Week is one of the longest holidays in Japan, and many people look forward to going out and refreshing themselves. This season is also very attractive for fishermen, as there are great fishing spots all over the country.
Hokkaido Hokkaido is known for its abundant nature and beautiful scenery, and it has numerous great fishing spots for fishermen.
Tohoku Region
<p>The Tohoku region has beautiful nature and rich marine resources. In particular, at Onagawa Port in Miyagi Prefecture, you can catch various species of fish such as trout, horse mackerel, mackerel, striped beakfish, flounder, and Japanese threadfin bream.
Hokuriku Region
<p>The Hokuriku region faces the Sea of Japan, which is rich in marine resources, and there are many great fishing spots for anglers. In particular, on the Noto Peninsula in Ishikawa Prefecture, you can catch various species of fish such as amberjack, yellowtail, horse mackerel, and mackerel.
Kanto Region
<p>The Kanto region has many fishing spots, including Tokyo Bay, Sagami Bay, and the Boso Peninsula. In particular, around Choshi and Katsuura in Chiba Prefecture, you can catch various species of fish such as Japanese horse mackerel, mackerel, horse mackerel, flounder, and Japanese threadfin bream.
Chubu Region
<p>The Chubu region is divided into the Japan Sea side and the Pacific Ocean side, and there are many fishing spots. In particular, on the Japan Sea side, such as Toyama, Ishikawa, and Fukui prefectures, you can catch flounder, horse mackerel, mackerel, swordfish, rockfish, and fluke.
Kinki Region
<p>The Kinki region has many fishing spots in Wakayama, Okayama, Hyogo prefectures, etc. In particular, in Kushimoto and the Nanki region in Wakayama Prefecture, you can target large fish such as tuna, skipjack tuna, and yellowtail. Also, fish such as white croaker and fluke can be caught in the Akashi Strait in Hyogo Prefecture.
Chugoku Region
<p>The Chugoku region has many fishing spots in Okayama, Yamaguchi, and Hiroshima prefectures. In particular, in the vicinity of Shimonoseki City in Yamaguchi Prefecture, you can target large fish such as tuna, skipjack tuna, and yellowtail.
Shikoku Region
<p>The Shikoku region has many fishing spots in Ehime, Kochi, Kagawa prefectures, etc. In particular, in the vicinity of Uwajima City in Ehime Prefecture, you can catch large fish such as tuna, skipjack tuna, and yellowtail. Also, fish such as yellowtail amberjack, greater amberjack, and tuna can be targeted in the vicinity of Susaki City in Kochi Prefecture.
Kyushu Region
<p>The Kyushu region has many fishing spots in Fukuoka, Nagasaki, Kagoshima prefectures, etc. In particular, in the vicinity of the Chikugo River in Fukuoka Prefecture, you can catch yamame trout, sweetfish, and black bass.
Fishing Precautions * Be sure to wear a life jacket and follow the law and regulations. Also, the recommended fishing spots introduced here are summaries of what is generally known, and there may be cases where fishing is restricted or prohibited at certain locations or times. We cannot take any responsibility if you get involved in an event or accident in the locations we introduced, so be sure to confirm sufficiently before going. In addition, there is an invasive fish collection box in Lake Biwa. Please put the fish in the collection box instead of releasing them.
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発酵(はっこう、醱酵とも表記、英: fermentation)
「Sustainable Development Goals」の略称であり、日本語に訳すと「持続可能な開発目標」です。これは貧困や飢餓・ジェンダー平等・気候変動など21世紀の世界が抱える課題を解決するため、2015年に開かれた国連サミットで決められた国際社会共通の17の目標です。企業が取り組むだけの問題ではなく食品ロスの削減のような個人で取り組める活動もあり、全ての人間で取り組む問題です。それらの問題に株式会社マルゴも自分達の仕事を通じて取り組んでおります。
外務省HP / JAPAN SDGs Action Platform
JAPAN SDGs Action Platform