(English follows)
- 良い船を選ぶ: 船釣りの成功には、適切な船を選ぶことが重要です。船の大きさや機能、設備などを考慮し、釣りの目的や地域の釣り環境に適した船を選びましょう。安全性や快適さも重要な要素ですので、信頼できる船舶会社やチャーターサービスを利用することをおすすめします。
- 適切な釣り道具を用意する: 船釣りには、適切な釣り道具が必要です。ロッド、リール、ライン、ルアーやエサなど、釣りの目的に合わせて適切な道具を選びましょう。また、予備の道具や修理キットなども用意しておくと安心です。
- 釣り場の選定: 船釣りでは、釣り場の選定も重要です。釣りの対象となる魚の生息地や季節、海底の地形などを考慮し、釣果が期待できる場所を選びましょう。地元の漁師や釣り愛好家から情報を得ることも有効です。ダツなどがいる海域では、点灯したライト目掛けて、バイク並みの速度で突進してくることがありますので、ライトを消すなど
- 潮の流れと天候の確認: 船釣りでは、潮の流れと天候の状況を把握することが重要です。潮の流れは魚の活動に密接に関係しており、釣果に影響を与えます。また、天候の変化は安全性にも関わるため、釣行前にしっかりと確認しましょう。
- 安全対策とルールの遵守: 船釣りにおいては、安全対策とルールの遵守が欠かせません。ライフジャケットの着用や船上での安全な移動、釣り場のルールや漁業規制の遵守など、安全に釣りを楽しむための基本的なマナーを守りましょう。
- テクニックと戦略の習得: 船釣りでは、テクニックと戦略の習得が釣果に大きく影響します。キャスティングやリトリーブの技術、魚の動きやエサの使い方など、釣りのスキルを磨くことが重要です。経験豊富な釣り師や地元の専門家からアドバイスを受けることもおすすめです。
- 忍耐とリラックス: 船釣りは忍耐とリラックスが必要な釣り方です。時間をかけて魚を待つことや、船上でのゆったりとした時間を楽しむことができます。焦らずに自然のリズムに身を委ね、楽しむことが大切です。
- チームワークと情報交換: 船釣りは仲間とのチームワークや情報交換も重要です。釣り仲間や船員と協力し合い、情報を共有しながら釣りを楽しみましょう。他の釣り師や船舶の通行にも配慮し、マナーを守りましょう。
- 環境への配慮とゴミの処理: 船釣りを楽しむ上で、環境への配慮とゴミの処理も重要です。海洋生態系や自然環境を守るために、自分のゴミは必ず持ち帰りましょう。また、他の人のゴミも見かけたら、協力して一緒に片付けることが大切です。
- 楽しみを大切にする: 船釣りは楽しむことが目的です。釣りの成果にこだわりすぎず、美しい海の風景や釣りのプロセスを楽しむことを忘れずに、心地よい時間を過ごしましょう。
The joy of boat fishing lies in the ability to enjoy fishing for big catches while being at one with the beautiful ocean. However, it’s important not to forget that this leisure activity can also involve risks to one’s life if the natural elements are disregarded. Boat fishing requires both skill and knowledge. In this article, we will introduce some key points to consider for boat fishing. By keeping these points in mind, you can enhance your boat fishing experience and make it even more enjoyable.
Choose a good boat: Choosing the right boat is crucial for successful boat fishing. Consider factors such as the size, features, and amenities of the boat, and select one that is suitable for your fishing goals and the fishing environment in your area. Safety and comfort are also important aspects, so it is recommended to use a reputable boat company or charter service.
Prepare appropriate fishing gear: Boat fishing requires the use of suitable fishing gear. Select the right rod, reel, line, lures, and bait that align with your fishing objectives. It is also wise to have spare gear and a repair kit on board for added peace of mind.
Select fishing spots carefully: The choice of fishing spots is critical for boat fishing. Take into account the habitats, seasons, and underwater topography of the target fish species, and choose locations where good catches can be expected. Gathering information from local fishermen and fishing enthusiasts can be helpful. In areas where there are species like pufferfish, they may rush at high speed toward lights, so it’s advisable to turn off the lights in such cases.
Check tidal currents and weather conditions: Understanding tidal currents and monitoring weather conditions are essential for boat fishing. Tidal currents have a direct impact on fish activity and can influence your catch. Additionally, changes in weather can affect safety, so it’s important to thoroughly check these factors before embarking on your fishing trip.
Practice safety measures and adhere to rules: Safety measures and adherence to rules are essential for boat fishing. Wear a life jacket, move safely on the boat, and follow the rules and regulations of the fishing spots and fishing regulations. Observing these basic manners will ensure a safe and enjoyable fishing experience.
Master techniques and strategies: Acquiring fishing techniques and strategies is crucial for successful boat fishing. Improve your casting and retrieval skills, learn about fish behavior and bait usage, and develop your fishing abilities. Seeking advice from experienced anglers and local experts is highly recommended.
Exercise patience and relaxation: Boat fishing requires patience and a relaxed mindset. Embrace the time spent waiting for fish and enjoy the leisurely moments on the boat. Allowing yourself to go with the natural rhythm of the surroundings is essential for a fulfilling experience.
Embrace teamwork and information sharing: Boat fishing involves teamwork and information sharing with your fishing companions and crew members. Collaborate with fellow anglers, share information, and enjoy fishing together. Be considerate of other anglers and boat traffic, and observe proper etiquette.
Consider the environment and dispose of waste responsibly: Showing consideration for the environment and proper waste disposal are important aspects of boat fishing. Always take your own trash with you to protect marine ecosystems and natural environments. If you come across other people’s trash, lend a hand and help clean up. Collective efforts are crucial for preserving the environment.
Value the enjoyment: Remember, the purpose of boat fishing is to enjoy the experience. Instead of being solely focused on catching fish, appreciate the beautiful ocean scenery and the process of fishing itself. Embrace a pleasant and relaxing time on the water.
These are the key points to consider for boat fishing. While boat fishing requires skill and knowledge, with proper preparation and responsible actions, you can experience the great pleasure and successful catches. Enjoy safe and delightful boat fishing experiences.
サビキのかごに入れるエサ Bait for Putting in a Sabiki Cage
Important Points
Lastly, let me explain some important points. Not only for bass fishing in Lake Biwa but in general, fishing should be conducted in accordance with the laws and regulations. Additionally, it’s essential to be environmentally conscious and take care of the surrounding natural environment by taking your trash with you and properly handling the fish you catch. It’s crucial to enjoy fishing while adhering to these rules.
Fishing in Lake Biwa, located in Otsu City, Shiga Prefecture, offers a luxurious experience of being in touch with nature. If you are a fishing enthusiast, I encourage you to visit Otsu City in Shiga Prefecture and enjoy fishing along with the beautiful nature of Lake Biwa.
Have you watched our company’s video? We, Marugo Co., Ltd., provide highly popular fishing baits based on scientific data! We deliver recommended fresh fishing baits and fishing information in Otsu, Shiga Prefecture. We aim to offer products that allow people to enjoy fishing every day, from fishing baits to food. Our fishing baits soaked in our company-developed “matured fermented bio-amino acids” are highly popular!
[A Word from Marugo!]
※Please be aware that fresh seafood, including squid and mackerel, may contain parasites such as anisakis, so please take proper precautions. Also, when fishing at night or in similar conditions, make sure to check the footing and handle everything calmly and attentively (^^). Gathering information from the local fishery cooperative or fishermen is a wise choice. Safety comes first in enjoying a fun fishing experience (^^)♪
発酵(はっこう、醱酵とも表記、英: fermentation)
「Sustainable Development Goals」の略称であり、日本語に訳すと「持続可能な開発目標」です。これは貧困や飢餓・ジェンダー平等・気候変動など21世紀の世界が抱える課題を解決するため、2015年に開かれた国連サミットで決められた国際社会共通の17の目標です。企業が取り組むだけの問題ではなく食品ロスの削減のような個人で取り組める活動もあり、全ての人間で取り組む問題です。それらの問題に株式会社マルゴも自分達の仕事を通じて取り組んでおります。
外務省HP / JAPAN SDGs Action Platform
JAPAN SDGs Action Platform