(English follows)釣り竿は、その性能に大きく影響を与える素材選びが非常に重要です。竿の素材には、グラスファイバー、カーボンファイバー、コンポジット、バンブーなどがあります。それぞれの素材の特性を把握し、釣りの目的や環境に合った素材を選ぶことが大切です。
The material selection for a fishing rod is crucial, as it has a significant impact on its performance. Materials commonly used for rod blanks include fiberglass, carbon fiber, composite, and bamboo. It is important to understand the characteristics of each material and select the appropriate one based on the purpose and environment of the fishing.
Fiberglass is a material often used for affordable beginner-level fishing rods. It is durable and has sufficient strength, making it an ideal material for novice anglers. However, it is relatively heavy, so it may not be suitable for long hours of fishing or traveling.
On the other hand, carbon fiber is commonly used for high-end rods due to its light weight, high strength, and sensitivity. As the stiffness and recoil of the rod differ, it is important to choose a rod that fits the purpose. Although carbon fiber rods tend to be relatively expensive, some rods have excellent cost performance.
Composite is a material that combines fiberglass and carbon fiber, and various types with different price ranges and characteristics exist. As a material that combines the strengths of fiberglass and carbon fiber, it is versatile and has excellent cost performance, making it widely used by beginners and advanced anglers alike.
Bamboo is a traditional material that is lightweight, strong, and flexible, enabling accurate casting. Although it is more expensive than other materials, it has a luxurious feel and has value as a hobby to enjoy fishing.
In addition to the material of the rod, the length, stiffness, weight, and other factors also vary depending on the type and situation of the fishing, so it is important to choose a rod that suits you.
Finally, when selecting a rod material, it is important to pay attention not only to the rod blanks but also to parts such as ferrules, reel seats, and grips. The material selection affects the overall balance, sensitivity, and operability of the rod, so attention to detail is necessary.
Furthermore, personal preferences and experience also influence the selection of the rod material. Even with the same material, the performance varies depending on the design and manufacturing of the rod, so it is important to try out several rods and choose the one that suits you.
Overall, the material selection for a fishing rod is one of the most important elements that can greatly affect the enjoyment of fishing. To enjoy comfortable and successful fishing, it is essential to choose a suitable rod material that matches the purpose, environment, and personal preferences.
【Tips for casting】
When casting, it’s necessary to swing the rod to send the lure far away. However, if you swing too hard, the lure won’t settle and won’t fly far. Plus, excessive swinging can lead to exhaustion or even breaking the rod. Therefore, when casting, start by swinging the rod backwards and then swing it forward at a moderate speed. The key is to use your wrist flexibly and swing with a delicate rhythm. This way, you can cast farther and avoid getting tired easily.
【Tips for hook setting】
The timing and angle of raising the rod during hook setting affect your catch. When a black bass eats, it opens its mouth wide to suck in the bait. By raising the rod at that moment, you can firmly hook the fish. However, if you miss the timing, the hook may come loose. Also, raising the rod too much can cause the hook to come off or even break the rod. Therefore, during hook setting, raise the rod to a moderate angle and quickly give it a sharp jerk. It’s also important to keep moving the rod according to the opponent’s movements after raising it.
【Congratulatons on WBC!!]
The Japanese national team’s players have advanced to the final without succumbing to fatigue or pressure in the long tournament. Finally, after 14 years, they have won the championship! The moment of their victory was truly moving.
The Japanese players demonstrated not only their playing skills but also their strong teamwork and perseverance. I believe it was their mental strength that led to their victory. The feeling of “putting one’s soul into each pitch” was truly conveyed.
I think this victory will have a positive impact not only on the Japanese baseball world but also on Japan as a whole. I am sure that I am not the only one who is genuinely delighted with this triumph.
I hope that Japan’s baseball industry will continue to grow and prosper in the future. Thank you for inspiring us with courage and emotion! Congratulations!
Fishing etiquette *
Always wear a life jacket and follow the laws and regulations.
Also, the recommended fishing spots introduced this time are summaries of what is generally known, and there may be cases where fishing is restricted or prohibited due to regulations or seasonality. We cannot take any responsibility if you are involved in an incident or accident at the locations we introduced. Be sure to check thoroughly in advance…
発酵(はっこう、醱酵とも表記、英: fermentation)
「Sustainable Development Goals」の略称であり、日本語に訳すと「持続可能な開発目標」です。これは貧困や飢餓・ジェンダー平等・気候変動など21世紀の世界が抱える課題を解決するため、2015年に開かれた国連サミットで決められた国際社会共通の17の目標です。企業が取り組むだけの問題ではなく食品ロスの削減のような個人で取り組める活動もあり、全ての人間で取り組む問題です。それらの問題に株式会社マルゴも自分達の仕事を通じて取り組んでおります。
外務省HP / JAPAN SDGs Action Platform
JAPAN SDGs Action Platform