(English follows)
Safety Tips for Fishing at Sea to Protect Yourself from Accidents
Sea fishing is a relaxing and enjoyable activity for many people, but it is important to observe several safety precautions to ensure your well-being. In this article, we will discuss the key points to be aware of at fishing spots to prevent accidents at sea. Before you embark on your fishing adventure, be sure to refer to this article for guidance.
- Check weather and sea conditions:
Before heading out, thoroughly check the weather and sea conditions. If the sea is rough or strong winds are present, it is advisable to postpone your fishing trip. Poor sea conditions can lead to loss of balance or capsizing of boats, increasing the risk to your safety. Prioritize your safety and act accordingly.
- Wear a life jacket:
As a safety measure at fishing spots, wearing a life jacket is highly recommended. If you accidentally fall into the sea, a life jacket can significantly reduce the risk of drowning. This is particularly crucial when engaging in boat fishing. Choose a life jacket that is pre-filled with buoyant material rather than relying on inflating upon water contact. This is because damage caused by, for example, a barnacle could cause the jacket to deflate and render it ineffective.
- Inspect leaders and fishing lines:
When fishing, ensure that you regularly inspect your leaders and fishing lines. Entanglement or line breakage can result in fishing hooks or lures flying around and potentially causing injuries. Thoroughly examine and replace any damaged or worn-out leaders or fishing lines.
- Be cautious of rocks and cliffs:
Pay close attention to rocks and cliffs at fishing spots. Avoid slippery or unstable areas and choose safe locations for your fishing activities. Fishing near areas where waves crash against rocks can be dangerous, so always relocate to a suitable position.
- Handle fish with care:
Handling fish properly is important after catching them. When lifting a fish, use fish grips or tongs rather than your bare hands. Gloves alone may not provide sufficient protection against fish spines, some of which can penetrate even beach sandals. Additionally, fish fins and teeth can also cause injuries. Wear gloves to protect your hands and utilize fish grips or tongs for handling.
Furthermore, when removing hooks from fish, always use appropriate tools. Avoid touching fishing hooks directly with your fingers, as there is a risk of getting pricked by the fish or hook. It is recommended to use tools such as pliers designed for hook removal to ensure your safety.
Remember to bring back as much trash as possible:
Additionally, always remember to take all your fishing gear and any trash with you when leaving the fishing spot. Keeping the fishing spot clean not only helps preserve the natural environment but also provides a safe environment for other anglers. Discarded fishing-related debris can have a negative impact on marine life if it flows into the sea. Make it a practice to take even one extra piece of trash with you, regardless of whether it belongs to you or not, as an act of goodwill.
Finally, effective communication with other anglers at the fishing spot is crucial. When there are clear lines of communication and understanding among anglers, it contributes to a safer fishing experience. If you encounter dangerous situations or any troubles, do not hesitate to seek help from those around you.
While enjoying fishing at sea, prioritizing safety is of utmost importance. Remember to check weather and sea conditions, wear a life jacket, inspect leaders and fishing lines, be cautious of rocks and cliffs, handle fish properly, take your trash with you, and communicate effectively with other anglers. By keeping safety at the forefront of your mind, you can fully enjoy a pleasant and safe fishing experience.
Important Points
Lastly, let me explain some important points. Not only for bass fishing in Lake Biwa but in general, fishing should be conducted in accordance with the laws and regulations. Additionally, it’s essential to be environmentally conscious and take care of the surrounding natural environment by taking your trash with you and properly handling the fish you catch. It’s crucial to enjoy fishing while adhering to these rules.
Fishing in Lake Biwa, located in Otsu City, Shiga Prefecture, offers a luxurious experience of being in touch with nature. If you are a fishing enthusiast, I encourage you to visit Otsu City in Shiga Prefecture and enjoy fishing along with the beautiful nature of Lake Biwa.
Have you watched our company’s video? We, Marugo Co., Ltd., provide highly popular fishing baits based on scientific data! We deliver recommended fresh fishing baits and fishing information in Otsu, Shiga Prefecture. We aim to offer products that allow people to enjoy fishing every day, from fishing baits to food. Our fishing baits soaked in our company-developed “matured fermented bio-amino acids” are highly popular!
[A Word from Marugo!]
※Please be aware that fresh seafood, including squid and mackerel, may contain parasites such as anisakis, so please take proper precautions. Also, when fishing at night or in similar conditions, make sure to check the footing and handle everything calmly and attentively (^^). Gathering information from the local fishery cooperative or fishermen is a wise choice. Safety comes first in enjoying a fun fishing experience (^^)♪
発酵(はっこう、醱酵とも表記、英: fermentation)
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