(English follows)
1. 急流や水深の変化に注意する
2. 岩や流木に注意する
3. 泳げない人はライフジャケットを着用する
4. 日焼け対策を忘れずに
5. 人混みには注意する
6. 飲酒や無謀な行動は避ける
7. 事前の情報収集と地元のルールを守る
As the summer arrives, not only fishing but also playing in rivers becomes enjoyable for many people. However, rivers can be both fun and dangerous. In this article, we will introduce why rivers can be dangerous and the key points to consider for safely enjoying activities in rivers.
- Pay attention to swift currents and changes in water depth:
River currents can change rapidly, leading to swift currents and changes in water depth. Especially after rainfall or during dam releases, water levels and currents can change abruptly, requiring caution. Swift currents and changes in water depth can pose risks of being swept away or losing footing, so it is important to assess the surroundings while enjoying activities in the river. Flash floods, for example, can cause the river to drastically change within about 45 to 60 seconds. It can turn into a torrential flow instantly. If it has rained recently, it is advisable to avoid river activities.
- Be cautious of rocks and driftwood:
Rivers contain many rocks and driftwood. Colliding with them can cause injuries, so extra caution is necessary, especially when using natural jumping spots. Additionally, be aware that water flow can occur beneath rocks and driftwood, so it is important to avoid approaching such areas. Locations like under bridges can also experience rapid changes in water flow.
- Wear a life jacket if you cannot swim:
When engaging in activities in rivers, it is crucial for non-swimmers and young children to wear a life jacket. Depending on the depth and flow of the river, the risks can be greater than expected. Wearing a life jacket reduces the risk of drowning or being carried away, enhancing safety. Cold water temperatures can deplete your strength, so wearing a life jacket is important. It is recommended to choose a life jacket that is not inflated upon impact but filled with material, as air can escape if it gets punctured by driftwood, for example.
- Don’t forget sun protection:
When playing in rivers during the summer, don’t forget to protect yourself from UV rays. Using a hat and sunscreen helps protect your skin and prevent heatstroke. Extra caution is needed during long periods of stay or when the sun is particularly strong. Excessive sunburn can lead to fatigue.
- Be cautious in crowded areas:
During the summer, rivers can become crowded with people. When playing in crowded areas, be mindful of collisions or trampling accidents with others. Especially for small children, they may quickly make friends and start playing in unexpected areas. Wearing a life jacket or keeping a constant watch without losing sight is important.
- Avoid alcohol consumption and reckless behavior:
It is essential to avoid alcohol consumption and reckless behavior when playing in rivers. Intoxication impairs judgment, increasing the risk when swimming or walking on the riverbed. Reckless diving can potentially cause harm to yourself and others, so it should never be done.
- Gather information in advance and follow local rules:
Some areas may have swim bans due to measures against nuisance animals, with electric fences or traps set up. Before engaging in activities in the river, gather information in advance. Understanding the characteristics of the local river, hazardous areas, and rules can help prevent accidents. Additionally, it is important to follow local rules and etiquette. By adhering to the rules, you can avoid conflicts with local residents.
【Conclusion】 Playing in rivers during the summer can be fun and provide memorable experiences, but there are also potential dangers. Pay attention to swift currents, changes in water depth, rocks, and driftwood. Wear a life jacket and protect yourself from the sun. Avoid crowded areas, alcohol consumption, and reckless behavior. Follow local rules to prevent accidents and maintain good relations with local residents. Keep these points in mind to enjoy river activities safely.
Important Points
Lastly, let me explain some important points. Not only for bass fishing in Lake Biwa but in general, fishing should be conducted in accordance with the laws and regulations. Additionally, it’s essential to be environmentally conscious and take care of the surrounding natural environment by taking your trash with you and properly handling the fish you catch. It’s crucial to enjoy fishing while adhering to these rules.
Fishing in Lake Biwa, located in Otsu City, Shiga Prefecture, offers a luxurious experience of being in touch with nature. If you are a fishing enthusiast, I encourage you to visit Otsu City in Shiga Prefecture and enjoy fishing along with the beautiful nature of Lake Biwa.
Have you watched our company’s video? We, Marugo Co., Ltd., provide highly popular fishing baits based on scientific data! We deliver recommended fresh fishing baits and fishing information in Otsu, Shiga Prefecture. We aim to offer products that allow people to enjoy fishing every day, from fishing baits to food. Our fishing baits soaked in our company-developed “matured fermented bio-amino acids” are highly popular!
[A Word from Marugo!]
※Please be aware that fresh seafood, including squid and mackerel, may contain parasites such as anisakis, so please take proper precautions. Also, when fishing at night or in similar conditions, make sure to check the footing and handle everything calmly and attentively (^^). Gathering information from the local fishery cooperative or fishermen is a wise choice. Safety comes first in enjoying a fun fishing experience (^^)♪
発酵(はっこう、醱酵とも表記、英: fermentation)
「Sustainable Development Goals」の略称であり、日本語に訳すと「持続可能な開発目標」です。これは貧困や飢餓・ジェンダー平等・気候変動など21世紀の世界が抱える課題を解決するため、2015年に開かれた国連サミットで決められた国際社会共通の17の目標です。企業が取り組むだけの問題ではなく食品ロスの削減のような個人で取り組める活動もあり、全ての人間で取り組む問題です。それらの問題に株式会社マルゴも自分達の仕事を通じて取り組んでおります。
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