(English follows)
With the arrival of summer, the season for fishing and water play has come. Fishing and water play are highly popular activities during the summer. Not only can you enjoy fishing, but you can also have fun playing in rivers and at the beach. In this article, we will introduce ways to enjoy river and beach play along with fishing during the summer.
River Play
First, let’s talk about river play when the fishing spot is near a river. If the fishing spot is close to a river, you can enjoy water play in the river after fishing. Clear rivers are home to unique fish such as amago, yamame, and iwana. River play offers various activities for children, including water gun fights in the water and playing with sand on the riverbank. Combining fishing with river play is sure to be a hit. However, please be aware that rivers can have sudden cold spots, deep areas, and fast currents. Make sure the children wear life jackets and be cautious.
Beach Play
Next, let’s talk about beach play when the fishing spot is near the sea. If you have a fishing spot near a beach or fishing port, you can enjoy water play in the sea after fishing. The sea is a vast expanse of water that allows for various activities. For example, you can go swimming in the sea while fishing. If the fishing results are not so good, you can still have a great time swimming and playing on the sandy beach with the children all day. Additionally, when playing in the water at the beach, you can also enjoy marine sports like snorkeling and bodyboarding. However, keep in mind that there are many areas where fishing is prohibited, so make sure to research in advance!
Making Memories
Summer water play will undoubtedly become the best memories for children. By combining fishing with water play, you can have a day filled with fun. River and beach play offer opportunities for adventure and new experiences in nature. Enjoying water play while fishing allows for interactions with nature and new discoveries.
Important Points to Note
However, when enjoying fishing and water play together, several precautions must be taken. First and foremost, prioritize safety. Check the flow of water and wave conditions in rivers and at the beach, and avoid approaching dangerous areas. When playing in the water, wearing a life jacket is recommended. Additionally, do not forget to protect yourself from UV rays. Use sunscreen, wear a hat, and sunglasses to protect your skin.
Furthermore, when enjoying fishing and water play, be considerate of the surrounding natural environment. Always take your trash with you and preserve the beauty of nature. Also, pay attention to animals and other living creatures while fishing or playing in the water.
Summer water play during fishing is a luxurious time spent in the pleasant breeze and water. By combining fishing with water play, you can fully enjoy the charms of summer. Share the joys of fishing and water play with family and friends and create lasting summer memories. Experience adventures and refreshment in nature while having a safe and enjoyable time!
サビキのかごに入れるエサ Bait for Putting in a Sabiki Cage
Important Points
Lastly, let me explain some important points. Not only for bass fishing in Lake Biwa but in general, fishing should be conducted in accordance with the laws and regulations. Additionally, it’s essential to be environmentally conscious and take care of the surrounding natural environment by taking your trash with you and properly handling the fish you catch. It’s crucial to enjoy fishing while adhering to these rules.
Fishing in Lake Biwa, located in Otsu City, Shiga Prefecture, offers a luxurious experience of being in touch with nature. If you are a fishing enthusiast, I encourage you to visit Otsu City in Shiga Prefecture and enjoy fishing along with the beautiful nature of Lake Biwa.
Have you watched our company’s video? We, Marugo Co., Ltd., provide highly popular fishing baits based on scientific data! We deliver recommended fresh fishing baits and fishing information in Otsu, Shiga Prefecture. We aim to offer products that allow people to enjoy fishing every day, from fishing baits to food. Our fishing baits soaked in our company-developed “matured fermented bio-amino acids” are highly popular!
[A Word from Marugo!]
※Please be aware that fresh seafood, including squid and mackerel, may contain parasites such as anisakis, so please take proper precautions. Also, when fishing at night or in similar conditions, make sure to check the footing and handle everything calmly and attentively (^^). Gathering information from the local fishery cooperative or fishermen is a wise choice. Safety comes first in enjoying a fun fishing experience (^^)♪
発酵(はっこう、醱酵とも表記、英: fermentation)
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