(English follows)
1. マダイ: 8月はマダイのシーズンです。マダイは海の中で活動的になり、活発にエサを追いかけるため、釣りのチャンスが増えます。ポイントは、沖合いの水深のある場所や岩礁の周辺です。エサはサバやイワシを使い、底付近に仕掛けを投入しましょう。
2. カンパチ: カンパチは夏の海釣りの代表的な魚です。活発な動きと引きの強さが魅力で、釣り人を楽しませてくれます。沖合いの水深が深い場所で釣れることが多く、サビキ釣りや投げ釣りが効果的です。エサはイワシやアジを使いましょう。
3. イサキ: イサキは夏の海釣りで人気のある魚のひとつです。潮の流れの速い場所や岩場周辺で釣れることが多く、エサはイワシやアジ、サンマがおすすめです。仕掛けは底付近に投げ込むか、ルアーを使ってアピールする方法もあります。
4. メジナ: メジナは夏に海でよく釣れる魚で、特に岩礁や磯場での釣りが人気です。エサはサンマやイワシを使用し、仕掛けは底付近に投げ込む方法が効果的です。また、波立つ場所や潮目の周辺でも釣果が期待できます。
5. シマアジ: シマアジは夏の海釣りで見かけることが多い魚です。特に浅い場所のサーフや礁などで釣れることが多く、ルアーやフライを使った釣りがおすすめです。エサは小さな魚やエビを模したルアーを使用しましょう。
[Fish Species and Fishing Techniques for Enjoying Summer Sea Fishing]
Summer sea fishing is a delight for many fishing enthusiasts. Catching delicious fish while feeling the coolness of the sea during the hot season is the epitome of luxury. Therefore, in this article, we will introduce the fish species that can be caught in the sea in August and the techniques for fishing them.
Red Snapper: August is the season for red snapper. They become more active in the sea, actively chasing after bait, increasing the chances of catching them. Key points include areas with deep offshore waters or around rocky formations. Bait like mackerel or sardines can be used, and the rig should be cast near the bottom.
Amberjack: Amberjack is a representative fish for summer sea fishing. Its vigorous movements and strong pull make it an exciting catch, delighting anglers. They are often found in deeper offshore waters, and techniques like sabiki fishing or casting are effective. Bait options include sardines or horse mackerel.
Threadfin Bream: Threadfin bream is a popular catch during summer sea fishing. They are commonly found in areas with fast currents and around rocky spots. Recommended bait includes sardines, horse mackerel, or sauries. You can cast near the bottom or use lures to attract them.
Spotted Knifejaw: Spotted knifejaw is a frequently caught fish in summer seas, especially popular around rocky formations and tidal pools. Bait such as sauries or sardines works well, and casting near the bottom is effective. You can also expect good catches in areas with choppy waters or near tide lines.
Blue-striped Grunt: Blue-striped grunt is often seen in summer sea fishing. They are frequently found in shallow areas like surf or reefs, making lure or fly fishing suitable. Lures resembling small fish or shrimp are recommended as bait.
While these fish species are commonly caught during summer sea fishing, weather and tide conditions are crucial for enhancing fishing success. It’s beneficial to research the fishing location beforehand and seek advice from fishing experts. Additionally, selecting the right fishing gear and bait is essential. Make sure to prepare rigs and bait suitable for the mentioned fish species.
Summer sea fishing is a captivating hobby that allows you to spend valuable time in nature. Through fishing, enjoy relaxing moments and relish delicious fish dishes. Embrace the challenge of trying your hand at summer sea fishing, filled with delightful summer memories.
サビキのかごに入れるエサ Bait for Putting in a Sabiki Cage
Important Points
Lastly, let me explain some important points. Not only for bass fishing in Lake Biwa but in general, fishing should be conducted in accordance with the laws and regulations. Additionally, it’s essential to be environmentally conscious and take care of the surrounding natural environment by taking your trash with you and properly handling the fish you catch. It’s crucial to enjoy fishing while adhering to these rules.
Fishing in Lake Biwa, located in Otsu City, Shiga Prefecture, offers a luxurious experience of being in touch with nature. If you are a fishing enthusiast, I encourage you to visit Otsu City in Shiga Prefecture and enjoy fishing along with the beautiful nature of Lake Biwa.
Have you watched our company’s video? We, Marugo Co., Ltd., provide highly popular fishing baits based on scientific data! We deliver recommended fresh fishing baits and fishing information in Otsu, Shiga Prefecture. We aim to offer products that allow people to enjoy fishing every day, from fishing baits to food. Our fishing baits soaked in our company-developed “matured fermented bio-amino acids” are highly popular!
[A Word from Marugo!]
※Please be aware that fresh seafood, including squid and mackerel, may contain parasites such as anisakis, so please take proper precautions. Also, when fishing at night or in similar conditions, make sure to check the footing and handle everything calmly and attentively (^^). Gathering information from the local fishery cooperative or fishermen is a wise choice. Safety comes first in enjoying a fun fishing experience (^^)♪
発酵(はっこう、醱酵とも表記、英: fermentation)
「Sustainable Development Goals」の略称であり、日本語に訳すと「持続可能な開発目標」です。これは貧困や飢餓・ジェンダー平等・気候変動など21世紀の世界が抱える課題を解決するため、2015年に開かれた国連サミットで決められた国際社会共通の17の目標です。企業が取り組むだけの問題ではなく食品ロスの削減のような個人で取り組める活動もあり、全ての人間で取り組む問題です。それらの問題に株式会社マルゴも自分達の仕事を通じて取り組んでおります。
外務省HP / JAPAN SDGs Action Platform
JAPAN SDGs Action Platform